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A tool to generate synthetic graphs embedded into a hyperbolic space.

Download the Hyperbolic Graph Generator v1.0.3

Welcome to the Hyperbolic Graph Generator Pages.

This software implements and extends the network model described in Hyperbolic Geometry of Complex Networks. Embedded in the hyperbolic plane, these networks naturally exhibit two common properties of real-world networks, namely power-law node degree distribution and strong clustering. Moreover, other well-known graph ensembles, such as the soft configuration model (SCM), Erdos-Renyi (ER) graphs, or random geometric graphs (RGGs), appear as degenerate regimes in the model.

T = 0 T in (0,inf) infinite T
γ in [2,inf) Hyperbolic RGG Soft Hyperbolic RGG Soft Configuration Model
infinite γ Spherical RGG Soft Spherical RGG Erdos-Renyi

The user selects a regime by specifying appropriate values of γ and T. If γ >= 10, then γ is considered infinite. If T >= 10, then T is considered infinite. The threshold values of these infinities can be modified by changing the HG INF TEMPERATURE and HG INF GAMMA definitions in the lib/hg_formats.h.

In this paper we report a thorough description of the graph models implemented in the package, as well a brief analysis of how the graph properties change when supplying different parameters to the Hyperbolic Generator tool.

An analysis of the dependency of the processing times on the input parameters is available at this page.

The Hyperbolic Graph Generator v1.0.3 can be downloaded at this page.

Authors and Contributors

The Hyperbolic Graph Generator software has been designed and implemented by Chiara Orsini (@chiaraorsini), and Rodrigo Aldecoa (@raldecoa).

Support or Contact

This work was supported by NSF Grants no. CNS-1344289, CNS-1442999, CNS-0964236, CNS-1441828, CNS-1039646, and CCF-1212778; DARPA grant no. HR0011–12-1–0012; Cisco Systems.